Hehe, this title feels like I’m a celeb of some sort (feeling lang)!
Warning: This is long but this isn’t paid advertisement.
Anyway, I just can’t help but laud Olay Total Effects.
First, my history. I have known this product for quite a long time already – but I NEVER used it before. I was brainwashed by one of our readers, who got to try the product for free during its trial stage here in Manila years ago, that your face can have an allergic reaction to it. I got scared since we almost have the same facial complexion and texture. That time, I was loyal to a certain brand and didn’t want to try it. So even if we had free bottles of Olay here before, I didn’t dare to try it.
But my younger sister who had been a loyal user finally convinced me. It’s quite ironic, I was the one who introduced this product to her. I gave her my free bottle because I didn’t want to use it. When she got to work at P&G, manufacturer of Olay, she divulged to me that it’s the product that they didn’t scrimp on ingredients. It’s really one of their premium products. She egged me to buy the new version, Total Olay Effects with a touch of foundation. I wasn’t that convinced yet, but after two weeks, I got my own bottle of Total Olay Effects with touch of foundation, again for free, courtesy of a presscon. My current moisturizer that time was almost empty so I decided to switch. And here are the things I found out about this product:
Compared to a very gentle moisturizer, this feels a bit oily on your face. But that sheen is what actually makes your skin look radiant. Since when did shiny (or oily) face translate to radiant, glowing skin? Well, since the marketers said so.
Your pimples don’t get angry as before. Pimples can become red, quite itchy and pop out with a vengeance – sometimes, even if you put anti-acne creams at the first sign of one pimple. But if you continue using this product even with a pimple on, it doesn’t worsen. If you’re lucky, the pimple subsides within 2 days.
Your face feels supple and softer to touch. I know a lot of moisturizers have that effect. But this has a long-acting effect compared to other moisturizers. If you use it consistently then decide to take a break one night (perhaps you may have a kissing spree that night and don’t want to feel greasy with moisturizer hehe), you can still feel the suppleness of your skin.
It really looks like you had a primer or foundation on. How can I forget that part? You get to put a concealer for your blemishes. To minimize the sheen and downplay the tone of the foundation which is natural beige, I put on sunblock afterwards. I just can’t go out without putting my favorite VMV Baby Face Armada SPF50. Besides, I feel SPF15 contained in this product is quite low for me because I usually go out and bask in the sun.
Blemishes can lighten a bit. But I have yet to prove this. My dark spots are still there but they did lighten a bit.
Eye puffiness can diminish, but eye bags remain. I have yet to say goodbye to my eye bags. But warning, warning, you shouldn’t put too much near your eyes. I wear contact lens and my eyes get irritated. I also have yet to try Olay product especially made for eye bags. But they say fine lines, which are usually found near the eyes, can decrease with this product.
So there. If you want to try this product, you may want to swap your non-Olay product for this. Check this out, http://www.olay.com.ph/LM/news~inner_news/nid-1248228304535/read_more.html